fourth international symposium on recurrence plots Hong Kong Polytechnic University

December 5-7, 2011
Hong Kong

Recurrence plot symposium Hong Kong 2011.

supported by 

Faculty of Engineering

The fourth international recurrence plot symposium will be in Hong Kong in December 2011.

The objective of this recurrence symposium is to encourage the exchange of knowledge among scientists working in the disciplines of time and spatial series analyses. Recurrence plots and recurrence quantifications are general methods for visualising and analysing both linear and nonlinear time series data. We continue to witness many new technical developments related to recurrence plots. Some of these include: a framework to treat recurrence plots as a network from which one can obtain network-related statistics; inferring directional couplings; identifying deterministic chaos; obtaining confidence intervals for recurrence quantification analysis; defining recurrence plots for point processes. In addition, applications of recurrence plots are increasing in areas such as mathematics, neuroscience, physiology, psychology, weather and climate, financial systems, and linguistics. This symposium will provide a unique forum to help combine the recent theoretical developments in recurrence science with applications from various fields. We welcome both theoretical and/or applied contributions that use recurrence plots, recurrence quantifications and related methodologies.

The symposium is supported by the Faculty of Engineering of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Participants of the forth international recurrence plot symposium in Hong Kong, Dezember 2011 (Photo: Norbert Marwan).

The first three international recurrence plot workshops were organised in Potsdam (Germany), Siena (Italy), and Montreal (Canada). The web sites of these very successful events are available at ws2005, ws2007, and ws2009.

Organisational and scientific committee

Michael Small (Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Norbert Marwan (Research Domain Transdisciplinary Concepts and Methods, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)
Yoshito Hirata (Aihara Laboratory, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo)
Charles L. Webber, Jr. (Department of Cell and Molecular Physiology, Loyola University Chicago)
Xu Xiaoke (Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University; School of Communication and Electronic Engineering, Qingdao Technological University)
Zhang Jie (Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Centre for Computational Systems Biology, Fudan University, Shanghai)

Further information on recurrence plots



Number of presentations




Number of participants
Countries of participants